Tinhouse 5k Information

The Course:
The course will be an out & back along the Poco Traboulay Trail. The exact turnaround point is about 200m before Prairie Avenue. There will be a volunteer at the turnaround to help make sure you don’t go too far! We will have water available at the turnaround.

Code of Conduct:
This event is for all types of persons of all types of abilities and is held in a public location. As such, Tinhouse respectfully requests that participants abide by the following code of conduct at all times:

  1. We believe our community should be truly open for everyone. This includes all participants, their supporters, and all staff and volunteers. As such, we are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, or religion. Abusive, harassing, discriminatory or otherwise inappropriate behaviour will result in disqualification from all events.
  2. Share the trail. STAY TO THE RIGHT. Do not run or walk more than TWO participants wide at all times. The trail is a Shared Public Space which can become congested. Yield to other trail users at all times.
  3. Minors participating are required to be accompanied at all times when inside Tinhouse’s Licensed areas.

Important Details:

  • Race start time is 11:30am. We will be marshalling approx. 5 minutes before that on the trail in front of Tinhouse Brewing.
  • Race number pick-up starts at 10:30am the day of the event. At race number pick-up, you will have a waiver and a code of conduct that you will be asked to read over and sign.
  • If you already have a bib number from an earlier event in the series, you must bring it or purchase another entry!
  • If you purchased multiple entries on-line, let the staff at registration know this at pick-up, so they can mark off the entries. We will need some names at that time (otherwise there will be results for “Guy Incognito” and “Femme Mystere”… you get the idea!) and your friends will have to also sign their lives away.
  • You can still register at the Brewery from Friday up until 11am on race day.
  • Tinhouse’s lounge area will be open from 10:30 onward on Sunday to allow for use of the washrooms, etc. Please do respect that staff will be working to open the facility for the business day!
  • Alcohol service begins at noon sharp – not a minute earlier! We encourage everyone participating to cheer on others as they finish, and then​ have a tasty cold beverage.
  • Results will be posted at Tinhouse and on our website as soon as they are available. Note that we are using manual timing to help keep costs down for everyone, so it may take up to an hour to post completed results.
  • Every time you participate, your name will be added into a draw for prizes at the last event in the series.

We love dogs, and would love to see your furry running/walking buddy out with you. Keep in mind that doggos are NOT permitted inside Tinhouse’s lounge space (they are permitted on our patio), and that the Poco Trail is an ON-LEASH area. If you bring your furry friend, please ensure they are on leash at all times. We will happily give your doggo a race number too!